Tia Wayling is the recreation services coordinator with the Regional District of Central Kootenay. File photo

Rec Perspectives: Every Little Bit Counts

'Raindrops can collectively become floods. Snowflakes can pile up many feet high. Dollars in a piggy bank can amount to wealth.'

By Tia Wayling, recreation services co-ordinator with the Regional District of Central Kootenay

ParticipACTION’s Community Better Challenge is well underway. Creston’s chance of winning the $100,000 is well within reach. If we get the schools helping log the students’ active minutes, we are in golden territory. As I write this, Creston is sitting within the top ten of the province and top forty nationally. Creston is doing really well. We can do this! Remember, every minute counts for the month of June. And once you see how your small minutes stack up in a month, you’ll be shocked.

READ MORE: Rec Perspectives: Could We Become Canada’s Most Active Community?

Small efforts is an interesting topic. There are a lot of big things in this world that are made up of small efforts. Raindrops can collectively become floods. Snowflakes can pile up many feet high. Dollars in a piggy bank can amount to wealth. Even devoting ten minutes each day towards something can have a significant change or impact to your life. For example, if I spent ten minutes each day organizing my home, after a year, I would have a neat, organized house. Ten minutes spent each day trying to re-learn how to do a cartwheel or handstand, will most likely leave me successfully being able to walk on my hands again.

We live in a society where bigger is better and sometimes we negate the impact small gestures and efforts have on us. But, more often than not, it’s the decision to do the small things each day that shape who we are and the lifestyle we lead. Many of us feel like most days we’re running on auto-pilot to survive the day. I’m guilty of this as well. But when was the last time you took ten minutes to “check-in” with yourself to see if you are providing what you actually want for yourself? Are your wants too wild or “out there” that it seems unattainable and easier to give up before even trying? Work backwards and break it up into components or tasks that are more manageable along a timeline. Ta-da! You just created a goal for yourself. Now even if you only devote those measly ten minutes toward that goal each day, you will be further along than not starting.

I urge you to check in with yourself and try it out. Keep it small and the timeline short. You’ll see that it will bring joy, satisfaction, and proof that you are capable and successful. Kind of like crossing off a task on your list, but even better. If you don’t know where to start, try joining the Community Better Challenge. If/when we win, you can take pride in the fact that you helped win $100,000 for our town. Download the ParticipACTION app on your mobile device or log into www.participaction.com. Remember, the Creston & District Community Complex is offering some free classes and Community Challenges during the month of June. Log onto www.rdck.ca/recreation to register and for more information.

READ MORE: Rec Perspectives: Small Town Connections

Creston Valley Advance