Tia Wayling is the recreation services co-ordinator with the Regional District of Central Kootenay. File photo

Rec Perspectives: To Feel Like an Olympian

'Their emotions are so strong, you can feel the years of sweat and tears it took to get to that one moment.'

By Tia Wayling, recreation services co-ordinator with the Regional District of Central Kootenay

This year’s Olympics (or should I say last year?) was the first since I have had kids. Unfortunately, I didn’t get to watch as many of the Olympic sports as I had in previous years. Normally, I would PVR all the coverage and then sit and fast forward through any commercials. I was always in-the-know and ready to educate anyone who missed it. These Olympics were quite different for me. To be honest, I mainly watched medal highlights and hilarious bloopers on social media.

I have always watched sizeable coverage of the Olympics for as long as I can remember. As much as I missed watching the medal moments before I knew the outcome, I’m not that sad about it. My kids are at an age where they are just not interested nor have the attention span to watch heat after heat of swimmers or sprinters. Instead, we spent quality time outdoors camping, biking, and fishing.

But, even though I was having loads of family fun, the competing athletes were always in the back of my mind. I am always astounded at the level of dedication and focus it takes to become an Olympian. It’s so easy for us to sit lazily on the couch and judge a bad dive or a missed vault landing. But, on the flip side, the level of pride one feels when a Canadian athlete wins a gold medal is not like any emotion I have ever felt through a TV screen. Their emotions are so strong, you can feel the years of sweat and tears it took to get to that one moment. I think that’s what makes watching the Olympics so exciting to watch.

Creston has been represented in the past two Olympics as we have had Creston-born-and-raised Gord Perrin lead Canadian Men’s Volleyball Team. Even though they did not make it to medal standing, they played so well. I know everyone is proud of Gord and the entire Men’s Volleyball Team.

Even though I know there are very few “Gords” that are produced from our little valley, there are many that are very talented and commit a lot of their time mastering a sport. The 55+ BC Games is being held in Victoria in 2022 and is a chance for anyone over the age of 55 to compete in their sport and feel like an Olympian. To support this, the Creston & District Community Complex will be hosting a free Give It a Try Event on Saturday, September 18 starting at 9 a.m. We will be providing a chance for you to play tennis, pickleball, swimming, hockey, bowling, and soccer. Even if you’re not a master in this sport, you might be better than you think. Over the years, we have had many residents from the Creston Valley compete in the 55+ BC Games and come home with medals. Feed you inner Olympian and give it a try!

READ MORE: Rec Perspectives: Enjoy Summer Activity with Smoky Skies

Creston Valley Advance