Tia Wayling is the recreation services coordinator with the Regional District of Central Kootenay. File photo

Rec Perspectives: Use the Low-key Holidays to Inspire Change

"Ditch the pity party and take charge of your self-improvement sooner than later. That is one thing nobody ever regrets."

This holiday season will not be the same for us and I think we are all starting to realize it. Some of us have likely over-indulged in some capacity this whole year as we have stayed home more while trying to process and come to terms with this new, temporary reality.

We won’t be seeing our friends and family like we have in the past and there won’t be any fun, social holiday parties to attend. But you haven’t actually changed and likely neither have your goals for self-improvement. In the entirety that is your life, this is a mere blip, so it’s time to stop blaming this wonky year and embrace what you can control.

Instead of waiting for the stroke of midnight to evolve into the “new” you, start making small changes now because there will be way less going on to distract you from hitting your weekly targets around the holidays. Let’s be honest, as much as we think 2021 will be magically different, it likely won’t. At least not right away. So use the resources you have access to and get started.

You will still likely enjoy your holiday goodies but don’t stress about it. A patron once told me, “It’s not what you eat between Christmas and New Year’s, it’s what you eat between New Year’s and Christmas that matters.”

That quote has resonated with me every holiday since then. And, I’ve shared that with many people because it’s a reasonable approach to celebrating the holidays. It’s not a free ticket to binge, but instead, enjoying the foods and treats you look forward to every year, guilt-free.

Because, even if you notice your pants become a little snug after the holidays, your body will bounce back once you’re finished appreciating your annual delights. Just don’t extend your indulgence too far after the holidays because it’ll be chocolates you are still eating in February or March that will be the culprit for not fitting into your summer shorts.

Consider some of the expenses associated with the holidays that you would normally spend on fancy clothing, small gifts, or food to host your annual party. Instead, use that money to invest in yourself or your family.

Buy those snowshoes or home gym equipment you’ve always wanted, or that organizational system to help de-clutter your life. Be creative and create a SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, time-oriented) plan that accounts for minor setbacks with micro-goals and rewards along the way to keep you invested and accountable.

Even though this year is different, there is still lots of magic to be found this holiday. There will not be a parade or festive gatherings, but you can stay connected through social media and share your magic with others, as the Creston Valley Winter Festival Facebook Page will be your source to share and connect with others in Creston this holiday.

Ditch the pity party and take charge of your self-improvement sooner than later. That is one thing nobody ever regrets.

Creston Valley Advance