Recognize when you reach the top of the hill

Recognize when you reach the top of the hill

Writer says tolerance demand has become intolerant.


When is all this madness going to stop? When are we all going to take a step back and look at the whole situation? How hard is it to recognize that we have been taking things too far? Much too far.

What I am getting at here is the incredible lengths which people go to in order to promote equality, “rights,” and tolerance. In fact, it has gone so far in one direction that people are blinded and fail to recognize that it has started to have a reverse effect on society.

Take tolerance for example. This term has gained massive recognition over the past several years, and people have pushed for more and more tolerance. But how far do you push before you have pushed too far? When Christians speak out against any sort of subject, we get shut down almost immediately. We get called bigots, we get called intolerant, we get called haters, and we get called homophobic and xenophobic … but wait. Take a step back and look at the whole situation. When we as Christians get called intolerant bigots, aren’t the people who are saying it being exactly that? Intolerant? They have no tolerance for our views whatsoever and will only accept, or tolerate, views that agree with their worldview.

Don’t you see? People have pushed so far in one direction to promote toleration that they don’t tolerate anyone in any way that doesn’t tolerate people or things that they think should be tolerated. Quite the ironic and self-refuting statement isn’t it?

Another one – how about recognition of and the promoting of rights of minorities and groups that have not been recognized very well in the past? People push for the end to the discrimination and prejudice of these groups, which I think we can all agree is fantastic and is a good thing to do … but again, how far do you push for these things before you have pushed to far? While promoting rights and freedoms of these discriminated minorities, it has begun to have a reverse discrimination effect! No longer can we speak up of our own rights without being shut down and basically being ignored … can we argue for being discriminated against? I think we can agree that that probably wouldn’t end too well. My point here is that there is a lot of good being done while recognizing these minority groups, but it is being taken too far and creating other minority groups in the process.

I think that we all need to take a step back and re-evaluate our situation. Ask the question, “how can I fix this, but not fix it to such a degree that it will begin to have a reverse effect?” We also need to be able to recognize when things are being taken too far. Just remember – every hill goes up on one side, but down again on the other side. Recognize when you have reached the top of the hill, and stop. Don’t start a downwards tumble down the backside.

Calvin Slaa


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