Record applauded for initiative

Dear editor,

On my first trip to the landfill on Bevan Road last December,  I was surprised by the amount of litter between Cumberland and the entrance so I decided to collect it.

It took a few hours a day for about two weeks and in total, there were about 15 bags, and lots of recycling including cardboard, Styrofoam, and metal.

I was disappointed to learn I would have to pay the tipping fee to get rid of it at the landfill. It turned out that Bevan Road Is the village responsibility, the landfill is a regional corporation, and road litter is not their problem.

Further, the village works department said they do not have the manpower to do the job and also could not condone me continuing my efforts because of liability and safety issues. However, they did and continue to allow me to dump the bags free of charge in the bins in their yard.

I have continued to spend a couple hours a week to collect on average a bag plus recycling.

I am a snowbird and will be going back east next week. Being the road to the landfill, Bevan Road becomes littered very quickly. I know the village is trying to find a solution and your call to help is well-placed.

Wayne McMullen

Fenelon Falls, Ontario

Editor’s note: To get involved with the Comox Valley Community Clean-up April 18, check out the event by the same name on Facebook, or call the Comox Valley Record office.


Comox Valley Record