Recreation is important to Terrace and should be funded

One of the deciding factors of my move was the vast choices of recreational opportunities this town had to offer, says letter writer

Dear Sir:

Regarding “Grant requests prompt debate“, an article in the Feb. 11 issue.

I moved to Terrace 14 years ago and one of the deciding factors of my move was the vast choices of recreational opportunities this town had to offer.

Upon moving here I realized that these opportunities exist in large part because of the hard work of volunteers and the huge amount of support these recreational facilities and venues get from the local businesses. Be it cross country or downhill skiing, golfing, motor cross, fishing or even hiking the back country, quite a few of these opportunities would be diminished or eliminated without the efforts of our citizens. Everyone knows the health benefits of physical activities, the tourism dollars generated and the draw to this town that these facilities bring to our city.

The importance of recreation is duly noted in the mayor’s message on the City of Terrace web page as well as our tourism brochures. It is also evident by the taxpayer-funded aquatic center, city parks and recreation center. Recreation is important.

This is why I am baffled by the city councillors’ remarks paper regarding the allocation of community forests profits/grants. One of the examples, stated by the City of Terrace on how the community forests can fulfill community goals, is to “maintain and enhance recreational opportunities”.

I personally feel that when our citizens, volunteers and businesses help not-for-profit recreational opportunities make ends meet or grow so we can provide a top level experience for all, their hard work and kindness are pushed aside by our councillors’ misconceptions of these facilities.  Sure some facilities generate money; even those facilities run and funded by the town generate revenue.

I do believe that every application for funding from the City of Terrace is done so with the best of intentions and to provide the best possible product and experience for our residents and visitors.

I hope our councillors realize that all not-for-profit recreation outlets are just that, not for profit but for the love of physical activities and experiencing all our beautiful city has to offer.

Rob Wilke,

Terrace, B.C.


Terrace Standard