Recreation programs underutilized

Are youths really too busy with more serious pursuits or with managing their online life to take part in unpressured activities?

To the Editor,

Imagine our disappointment when, after registering my 12-year-old daughter in a free drop-in gym program at the Oliver Woods Community Centre, we discovered only one other person in attendance. In a city with 6,400 youths aged 12-18, there have only been 30 registered participants since September.

Are youths really too busy with more serious pursuits or with managing their online life to take part in unpressured activities? Do our community values only embrace highly structured competitive sports?

I’m not dismissing competitive sports. I’m merely questioning why sports for recreation and socialization is not valued in Nanaimo.

Here is hoping youths don’t waste their youth waiting for the next ‘like’ or being fixated on gaming.

Cynda Schwabvia e-mail

Nanaimo News Bulletin