Recycling exchange deserves local support

Not only do they provide an essential service to this community for free, they also provide employment to folks who warrant the jobs.

To the Editor,

Re: Recycling exchange seeks financial support, Feb. 4.

I am a frequent user of the Nanaimo Recycling Exchange and each and every time I go I cannot understand why they are still operating out of that site; it is a logistical nightmare. To read that it is because they cannot get financial aid seems ludicrous to me.

Not only do they provide an essential service to this community for free, they also provide employment to folks who warrant the jobs and yet may not be able to work in other types of workplaces.

This business not only deserves to get the facility it has painstakingly planned for years, it deserve to get stewardship awards and business awards. I strongly believe it could receive a lot more support from the city, regional district and provincial and federal governments. You know the old saying, ‘some people’s garbage,’  well, the recycling centre often turns it into treasure. Where will that stuff go if this organization cannot secure funding and it is shut down? The landfill.

When Metro Vancouver is looking to ship its garbage out of town, how can we stand by and watch a fantastic, moral business be shut down because of a lack of funding. Go scratch your heads over that one.

Val Lucasvia e-mail

Nanaimo News Bulletin