Recycling system fine the way it is

Recycling in B.C. is being run successfully, with paper and packaging materials being collected. This plan has worked for many years.

To the Editor,

Recycling in B.C. is being run successfully, with paper and packaging materials being collected. This is a plan that has worked for many years, is improving, and is not costly to the public.

Multi Material B.C., a so-called non-profit organization – with doubtlessly well-paid executives – offered a stewardship plan specifically to solve a non-existent problem.

There are two truisms: first, if a cost is added for the manufacturer or supplier of a product, the cost is added to the price; second, if a service is supplied by government it is taxed. If the service is replaced, no government will reverse the tax.

Something very unpleasant will happen in B.C. There is time to stop it.

D.F. ConnorsNanaimo

Nanaimo News Bulletin