Recycling woes

Resident is frustrated with the current curtsied collection program

This is a follow up to Bonnie Shideler’s letter regarding the lack of recycling in our area. I couldn’t agree more. I am a firm believer in recycling. We used to put our items in as many blue bags as we required, which were picked up and sorted elsewhere.

Now, we sort a limited amount and stuff them in two small blue boxes — paper in one and in theory, plastic, etc., in the other. They are never big enough. We place these on the roadside, so if it is windy out, we have items blowing all over the neighbourhood. Then in the winter or rain, we return the boxes into our homes wet and dirty. God forbid we should have too much paper and perhaps some of it gets into the wrong bin because the recycling police go through all items in the bin, then either put green stickers on it or just leave the box full for us to do what with — throw it in the garbage? Are they not supposed to do our recycling?

In frustration, I have called the regional district and District of Coldstream. Apparently they are receiving several complaints. I was told the recycling contract was awarded to a company called Multi Materials B.C. and they have subcontracted to Enterra.

The purpose of recycling is to turn in whatever can be recycled so it can actually be done, is it not?  Not just for them to receive whatever suits them, then it is up to us to take whatever is left behind such as plastic bags or whatever else somewhere to be recycled. Really?

Apparently they have the time to rummage through the bins to see what they will or will not accept. How much of this foolishness are we going to take? This causes quite a conundrum. Do we stop recycling, fight back, call every week and sit out on the road until they show up and have a discussion? I repeat, they are hired to handle our recycling. If they are unable to serve us, I feel their contract should be rescinded and we should be able to go back to a system that works.

Marlaine Webber



Vernon Morning Star