Reduce government waste

Union members are helping themselves to benefits they have no right to have.

According to recent news, government union workers are booking off sick nearly three times as often as private sector workers. It means that they are claiming sick days when they are not sick.

I am not a fan of Mike Duffy because he helped himself to money he had no right to have. By the same token, union members are helping themselves to benefits they have no right to have. Stealing is stealing regardless of how it is done. Unions don’t want to believe that, but what qualifies them for special treatment?

In my opinion, full pay for sick days needs to be discontinued. The problem would disappear in record time if the abuse were to cost workers’ money. An alternative would be for unions to pick up the tab for the workers’ sick days.

As for the Senate, no band aid solution will work. The Senate needs to be abolished and the sooner the better.

Our country is deeply in debt. It is time to cut back on government waste.

Gerry Lepine


Penticton Western News