Reduce salaries to support operations

Kudos to Salmon Arm Observer editor Tracy Hughes in the May 18 edition for noting in her editorial…

Kudos to Salmon Arm Observer editor Tracy Hughes in the May 18 edition for noting in her editorial the fact that school board trustees were unaware of the humongous decision to transfer $10.5 million from the operating budget to the capital budget to help pay for the new administration offices.

In addition to the $10.5 million blunder of taxpayers’ money, there is the reported purchase by the school board, and/or trustees, of a $60,000 luxury loaded truck, apparently in part to pull a fifth wheel trailer, which the school board apparently does have – well, or do they?

Does all this financial sloth and irresponsibility suggest that some school board trustees’ salaries should be rolled back and returned to taxpayers?

Tom Sveinson


Salmon Arm Observer