Referendum a waste of taxpayer dollars

What's the point of putting the council size question on the ballot if the result is not binding

Re: Council size referendum not binding (July 31)

What a ridiculous and wasteful use of taxpayer dollars in putting the question on the ballot of whether voters want fewer council members.

It was unanimous to put it to voters, yet voter decision would not be binding. What’s the point? Four of the seven are already opposed so there’s the majority.

It’s nothing but a waste of money – the ballots have to be counted, and then “move through the process with the bylaw.”

This means wasting money writing the bylaw and more money and time wasted by council “deciding” whether they want to adopt it or not, when we already know it will be a “nay.”

Rather than wasting dollars on this phony referendum question, how about putting a couple sets of  proper stairs down to Lake of the Woods.

After all the money spent on improving the highway entrance to the parking area we still have no beach nor easy way down to the water.

Tracy Ubell

Hope Standard