Regarding GM alfalfa

Because alfalfa is a perennial plant that is pollinated by bees, genetically modified alfalfa will inevitably cross-pollinate with non-GM

Editor, The Times:

The National Farmers Union in Ontario has called for a national day of action for April 9, 2013 to stop the commercial release of GM (genetically modified) alfalfa –

Alfalfa (commonly harvested as hay) is a high-protein forage fed to animals like dairy cows, beef cattle, lambs, poultry and pigs. It’s also used to build nutrients and organic matter in the soil, making it particularly important for organic farming. If it’s introduced, GM alfalfa will ruin export markets for alfalfa products, contaminate family farms, make it more difficult for farmers to control weeds, and threaten the future of organic food and farming in Canada.

Because alfalfa is a perennial plant that is pollinated by bees, genetically modified alfalfa will inevitably cross-pollinate with non-GM and organic alfalfa. Prairie farmers have already rejected GM alfalfa for these reasons so now the industry is trying to introduce GM alfalfa in Eastern Canada.

I am one of many Canadians trying to eat healthier by supporting farmer’s markets, trying to grow more of my own food and buying organic produce and products. While I live in Toronto, I support Canadian farmers who don’t want GM alfalfa or other GM crops on their fields.

Consider visiting the web link above or visiting to find out more about why you should be concerned about GM alfalfa and other GM crops. It would be appreciated if you would consider writing your MP and Minister Gerry Ritz – regarding this important issue to Canadian agriculture.

Todd Buhrows

Toronto, Ontario




Clearwater Times