Regional district needs some serious work

It’s almost as though the Cowichan Valley Regional District’s elected officials are deliberately feeding critics fodder.


It’s almost as though the Cowichan Valley Regional District’s elected officials are deliberately feeding critics fodder (see Page 5).

Cowichan Lake South/Skutz Falls area director Ian Morrison opened the Wednesday, October 12, board meeting by suggesting that $50,000 for Eco Depot advertising is too high a price.

During at least 10 belabored minutes of subsequent discussion (to quote chair Gerry Giles “It’s an awkward communication”), it became clear that the majority of the directors had no clue about this $50,000 figure.

Never mind that they’d already tentatively approved it, and would have let it pass, if not for Morrison’s pointing it out.

How does a figure as high as $50,000 so successfully evade conversation?

Good for Morrison for pointing it out. It’ll be nice to see him continuing to call-out the regional district’s ineffectual organizational structure for the next three years (he’s in again by acclamation).

Let’s hope also that the majority of the board’s other directors are voted out in November.

Taxpayers should not abide such incompetence.


Lake Cowichan Gazette