Regional district should stay out of water, affordable housing

This water, and affordable housing referendum, is being dumped on us

Regional district should stay out of water, affordable housing

Regional district should stay out of water, affordable housing

I have never written a letter to the editor before, but I feel the time has come with the upcoming referendum on water and affordable housing.

It seems to me if we vote no, we are looked at as not being in favor of clean drinking water, or that we don’t support affordable housing. This is completely false and it’s a way for some special interest groups to gain from this.

I have lived in the Cowichan Valley all my life; we ran a very successful dairy farm for 40 years. We still work, and live on our land and can hopefully teach our grandchildren where food comes from.

This water, and affordable housing referendum, is being dumped on us, the taxpayers, when even the elected officials have no clue how it’s going to work. The money will be spent to pay higher paid officials to make more studies, just like we have seen before and it gets us nowhere.

We, as taxpayers, have seen our taxes go up yearly. I hear of many seniors that cannot even stay in their homes any longer because of increasing taxes. This is not a one-year thing, once in, it’s here forever, we know this.

Let the regional district stay out of this, let the provincial government take the lead on this; that is where it belongs.

By the way, I am wondering who is paying for the ‘vote yes’ ads, on the referendums on the radio. I hope not us, the taxpayers.

My vote is NO.

Mary Hof

Cowichan Bay

Cowichan Valley Citizen