Regional District useless when it comes to providing most basic information

All was going well until I visited the CVRD office. I wanted to see a typical map of the area. The CVRD did not have one.

After reading multiple letters regarding the dumping of contaminated soil I noted that all the letters seemed to be from Shawnigan residents. In order to insure this wasn’t NIMBY I visited the site and surrounding area.

All was going well until I visited the CVRD office. I wanted to see a typical map of the area. The CVRD did not have one.

How could they make any kind of assessment of the possible problems that might arise without this document?

I was led to believe that most of the material was coming from the Capital Regional District so I ask why, if this is so safe, they do not dump it in their own watershed? I ask why do we have the expensive CVRD if they cannot stop this?

Maybe we should get rid of it (CVRD) and use the money saved to legally stop this imposition.

Jennie Stevens asks “What use is the Ministry of Environment?” It would seem to me that it is as useful as the Utilities Commission who, with regards to the ticking time bomb spy meters, has decided that it is much harder to take a picture of an analog meter as opposed to a digital one.

Or is it that it is so much more difficult to interpret that they have hired a bunch of fifth graders? I apologize to fifth graders.

Tony Whiteley


Cowichan Valley Citizen