Dear editor,
I wish all Comox Valley ratepayers a happy new year for 2017. Especially those just getting by with low incomes.
I should apologize for writing a few letters on issues that should be apparent to all CVRD directors who work tirelessly on our behalf. Unfortunately, the majority approve all CVRD budgets with few questions. Letters and beefs seem to have had an opposite effect, resulting in a huge investment in CVRD public relations.
One could understand communication managers working to promote the local airport, or tourism to support Comox Valley jobs. Perhaps others also may wonder why any local government needs communications specialists. The CVRD isn’t Kinder Morgan.
Recently I sent in a note with my water bill. I live in Area B and have a large landscaped lot. This was my wife’s passionate hobby. I know that about 90 per cent of Comox Lake residential customers are on flat rates and that Comox Lake is one of the most abundant water supplies anywhere. BC Hydro has been struggling to shed water from the watershed.
I received a response from the CVRD water manager stating that I was correct that Comox residents only pay $351/year for water while I pay $1142.22 for the same water. The water manager pointed out that if I was living in Comox, on a meter, I would be paying $1436.15. The CVRD PR spin was that I was saving almost $300/ year, by not living in Comox. Your PR tax dollar at work. I’m saving money by living in surcharged Area B!
So I’m retiring, before inspiring Comox and Courtenay to ramp up their communications and PR budgets to rival the CVRD.
Best wishes for 2017.
Phil Harrison