Reinstate dog ban on foreshore

I was saddened to read in last week’s Observer that SABNES will no longer maintain its wonderful foreshore trail

I was saddened to read in last week’s Observer that SABNES will no longer maintain its wonderful foreshore trail.

City council has allowed dogs into the bird sanctuary and in my opinion this is a sign of utmost disrespect to SABNES. I am a frequent spring time walker of this trail and I have come to love its near magical qualities.

When volunteers dedicate their labour to such public land after so many years it begins to take on a very special tone.

As city workers take on these tasks something very important is necessarily lost. This is not the fault of the city workers but they cannot give the care and devotion that SABNES has.

It seems to me that dog walkers have free rein to virtually every other public space in Salmon Arm.

Is it not too much to ask them to stay out of this one? There are very good reasons that SABNES does not want dogs in this area.

I do not know any SABNES members but I would like to personally thank them for their unbelievable dedication and sensitivity in turning the foreshore trail into such a delightful, soothing, exciting, natural, stimulating and restful place that it is.

Perhaps one day city council will recognize its true assets and re-establish the ban on dog walking on the foreshore trail. And SABNES could continue their wonderful gifts.

Doug Mongerson


Salmon Arm Observer