Rejection of JDF resort not rational

Congratulations to the environmental groupies who were bused to Sooke three nights in a row to sound off on their opposition to the proposed resort near Juan de Fuca Provincial Park.

Congratulations to the environmental groupies who were bused to Sooke three nights in a row to sound off on their opposition to the proposed resort near Juan de Fuca Provincial Park.

Their rants have convinced three CRD directors to change their opinion and vote against the resort proposal. The sad part is most of the speakers there weren’t even from the Juan de Fuca electoral area and most look like they haven’t been in a tent for 40 years.

The developer, who has slogged through their misguided verbal and written communications for two and a half years, will probably  move to Plan B — resource management. That’s a fancy term for logging the entire property. Then the eco-groupies can get bused out to that area to rant about how the current landscape looks a lot like the moon.

Not everyone wants to park their butt in a tent on the cold hard ground.

I for one would have loved to rent a cabin at the proposed resort and enjoy a weekend there with my wife and our dogs.

Lesson learned. Rational folk have to get as organized as the eco-fringe element.

John Townson



Goldstream News Gazette