Langley City Mayor Peter Fassbender was among those who took part in the 2010 Relay For Life at McLeod Athletic Park. This year’s version of the fundraiser for the Canadian Cancer Society takes place on Friday.

Langley City Mayor Peter Fassbender was among those who took part in the 2010 Relay For Life at McLeod Athletic Park. This year’s version of the fundraiser for the Canadian Cancer Society takes place on Friday.

Relay for Life a chance to fight back against cancer

On relay night, our memorial table commemorates those who have fought and won the battle and those who have fought and succumbed to cancer.

Editor: The Grove Turtles joined the Relay for Life in Langley at its beginning in 2005.  We took our name from the fable, ‘The Tortoise and the Hare’ because we believe that like the tortoise we are steadfast, knowing that with every step we take we are getting closer to our goal.

The team originated with a group of power walking friends, training together for marathons, half-marathons and other healthy exercise based activities, including the Langley Walk.

We knew we were taking care of ourselves but we wanted to get involved in helping others and we found The Relay for Life. Cancer touches everyone. It’s all around us.  As our team expanded, so did our survivors.  Some team members, some team members’ family members and some team members’ friends were and are dealing with cancer in one form or another and at one stage or another.

Over eight years, the members of the Grove Turtles have celebrated many little victories.  We will forever remember those who we have lost and on relay night, our memorial table commemorates those who have fought and won the battle and those who have fought and succumbed to this insidious disease.

The Grove Turtles are community spirited and take pleasure in making people smile, or grin and bear it.  We are trying to make a difference. And above all, we fight — we fight for those who can’t fight back and we fight for the cure, by raising funds and public awareness.  We feel very deeply about why we relay and what Relay for Life means. The Grove Turtles continue year after year by spreading the word and working tirelessly towards filling the research jar that will aid in funding research to fight the many, many types of cancer.

Cancer will not go away without your support. Look at the Grove Turtles and the 90 other Langley Relay teams as your catalysts in directing your donations to the cause.

Visit the track on May 25, cheer on the survivors and feel the Relay of Life spirit.

Robert Novak,

Grove Turtles

Langley Times