Remarks could come back to bite the premier

Isn’t it interesting that the Premier Christy Clark found it necessary to do a little Alberta bashing in the recent throne speech

Isn’t it interesting that the Premier Christy Clark found it necessary to do a little Alberta bashing in the recent throne speech.

There is no question that Albertans are hurting right now as a result of the previous, short-sighted administrations; however, if our son or daughter were to do the same thing of trying to make themselves look good by putting someone in dire straits down, we would be irate at their “bullying”. It seems that you can do whatever you want in the political arena.

Alberta has been through tough economic times before and has always managed to weather the storm. Albertans are strong, resilient people and will get through this one as well.

Here is a thought: Rather than sitting back and snickering at the troubles of the province next door, Premier Clark, why not look for government programs that would benefit both British Columbia and Alberta.  That would be the more friendly ‘Canadian’ approach as opposed to promoting divisive, regional politics.

I should not have to remind the premier that a significant proportion of the population in South-Central B.C. have moved here from Alberta.

As much as we love British Columbia, we still have roots that extend back across the border. It may be wise for this Liberal government to re-examine the results of the last Alberta election and note what can happen when a government loses touch with the people who elect them.

Fred Engels


Salmon Arm Observer