Remember and celebrate the greatest gift of all

Pastor Brian Dean of Lakeview Church would like everyone to remember the true meaning of Christmas

Most of us look forward to December with much anticipation. It’s a season of family, friends, food and, of course, presents.

Whether it’s called Christmas, Xmas, the Happy Holidays or some type of Season, the heart of Christmas remains undeniably rooted in the most generous act in all eternity.

Even the somewhat furry, big guy in the red pjs was initially a reflection of this immense charity.

Sadly, Santa Claus has, for the most part, morphed into more of a symbol of commercial greed than the man he was – motivated by God’s love to bless those less fortunate than himself.

That the Divine Creator would bless rebellious mankind with the Gift it neither deserves nor sufficiently appreciates, is truly such an amazing act of love it eclipses our finite understanding.

Jesus Christ, the ultimate Gift, is not to be studied, observed, contemplated, discussed, investigated, critiqued or even marvelled at.

He is to be gladly accepted as the only way to the Father – very much the way little children reach for their presents – no questions asked!

Charles Wesley put it so well in the carol “Hark, the Herald Angels Sing” which says: “Born that man no more may die, Born to raise the sons of earth, Born to give them second birth.

Risen with healing in His wings, Light and life to all He brings.”

The Christmas season has at its heart, a God-given generosity that should be emulated by us, His creation, as we remember and

celebrate the greatest Gift of all.

Brian Dean is pastor of Lakeview Church in Quesnel.

Quesnel Cariboo Observer