Remember lessons from pre-school

A main focus of Early Childhood Education is teaching little ones how to get along. Perhaps several councillors missed that class.

Editor: What will we tell the children?” As a pastor, and a grandpa, part of my role is helping children understand the difference between right and wrong. One of the rules in my belief system is “you must not bear false witness” – especially not to get someoene else into trouble.

By all accounts, this is exactly what Mayor Rick Green did in his bizarre Brownshak story. What is sadder, though, is not that he may have made an error of judgment – God knows, we all do that – but that Green recently seems to be blaming everyone else for bringing it up.

At the same time, I’m not sure many Township cuncillors fare much better. A main focus of Early Childhood Education is teaching little ones how to get along. It seems as though several of our current councillors missed that class.

Some of the antics reported from our council chamber would not be tolerated in Kindergarten. So my question is, which among all the candidates will we trust to set a good example for our children and grandchildren — and to make good choices for their future and that of the whole community?

Paul Guiton,


Langley Times