Remember meaning of Christmas

Right now, in a community, lived a handful of winterers – people who opposed the idea of the December festive season.

To the Editor,

Right now, in a community, lived a handful of winterers – people who opposed the idea of the December festive season which they declared as winter.

They bought winter presents and winter trees, had winter dinners, winter puddings, winter cakes and winter parties. They had their annual winter school band concerts and their annual winter school fundraising bazaars. Their kids can only eat the humbug variety of candy, their idols were Scrooge and the Grinch, and their anthem was “In the Bleak Mid-Winter.”

They hoped that their students would be able to winterize all of their relatives and friends. They had winter eve, winter day and winter stockings, and milk and cookies for Father Winter.

Then all of a sudden I was awakened by the loud sounds of our television set. Christmas carols were being sung, in the streets were dancing and many forms of joy. The church bells were ringing. It was the time when most people around the world were celebrating the birthday of Jesus Christ, the son of God, and all of the miracles that we share.

Ralph ForshawNanaimo

Nanaimo News Bulletin