Remember the coastline

In this fall’s municipal elections, please find out which of the candidates will send the message to say no to increased tanker intrusion

I have six grandchildren. This past Thanksgiving weekend we all took turns listing the things we are thankful for.

I am proud to say that our family cares very much about the environment. We have a beautiful province situated on the north and west coat of the country. It is worthy of protection because much of it is unique and endangered, including the kelp forests, sponge reefs, salmon breeding areas and whales.

We, the public, must not forget Enbridge, who want to send mega super tankers down our coast, and Kinder Morgan, who want to double the amount of oil carried through their pipelines, are still an issue. A spill is inevitable.

In this fall’s municipal elections, please find out which of the candidates for mayor and council will send the message from us, the people of the Saanich Peninsula, to say no to increased tanker intrusion and risk. Let’s defend the coast. Be diligent, attend meetings and forums. Your voice will be heard.

Lynda Comber




Peninsula News Review