Replace war with power of love

Dear editor,

As we approach Remembrance Day, let us reflect on the impact of global warring.

Dear editor,

As we approach Remembrance Day, let us reflect on the impact of global warring.

As global warming impacts on each and every one of us, so does war.

It is not just the adolescent in Angola clutching an AK47 as if it were the mother that he never knew or the mother in Syria clutching her child to her bosom as if to feed life back into its lifeless body or the mother in Canada looking out the window and praying to wake before the sombre-faced soldiers deliver their news, but all of us who are diminished by the loss of another link.

The chain that we form as an organism on this planet is each day being weakened by war. This weakening is opening us up to disease, closing us off emotionally and polluting us morally.

Cancer fills the missing links, children spray bullets at school and we try to fill the emptiness with the energy that we take from each other emotionally.

Politicians can, at best, prevent war but only we can create peace.  Peace comes from within.

There has never been a greater urgency for each of us all to find peace; to smile, to forgive and most of all to love. Love can be neither given nor taken away from us; we can only BE in love.

So let us reclaim our immense power — the power of love. Let us wage love for our country, our planet and the survival of humankind. And let us honour the many who have given their lives so that we can understand this.

Gary Fort,


Editor’s note: Gary Fort is an Angolan War veteran.

Comox Valley Record