Replenish yourself today

This cocktail can make a real difference in your life


oday, many of us struggle with a hectic lifestyle that leaves us feeling drained at the end of the day.

Are times changing or are we just getting older? Or both?  Life is demanding and the list of things to do grows ever longer.

Time off work used to take us on a well earned vacation. Now those vacation hours are used to plunge into the next home renovation.  Ugh!

With extra attention given to eating properly, we hope to have enough energy to persevere.  And, if luck permits, a “sleep in” on Saturday may act as a form of recuperation.

How long can we do this before burnout sets in?  Good question.  I say, don’t wait.  Do something replenishing periodically in order to prevent walking so close to the edge.

The body always has needs in order to function, and those needs increase as demands and productivity does.

Nourishing the body through diet is important, but sometimes the digestive process can exhibit its own sort of burn out.  When our assimilation of nutrients is compromised, our nutrient status becomes depleted.

Sadly, suboptimal nutrient status and true deficiencies can be more difficult to correct than one might think.  In this case, consider an intravenous method of recovery.

When food and supplements are taken orally, absorption of the components is approximately 10-15 per cent.  When the same nutrients are given intravenously, absorption is 100%.   That makes IV therapy highly efficient.

The Myer’s Cocktail, pioneered by Dr. John Myers, was used to treat patients with various medical problems like chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, infections, exhaustion, and cancer.

The nutrient infusion has proven useful in both acute and chronic conditions.

Receiving intravenous injections monthly, weekly, or twice weekly was able to control some chronic symptoms like fatigue, depression, and chest pain (Alt Med Rev. 2002).

At my clinic, we use the basic Myer’s cocktail and what I like to call the Super-Myers cocktail.

These treatments have shown excellent success in enhancing the speed of recovery of mononucleosis, shingles, and the common cold.

That’s good to know with flu season right around the corner.

The Myers cocktail is useful in tonifying the immune system to better resist germs.

I have recommended the Myers cocktail as a preparatory ritual before flying to a vacation spot.

If the plane carries 300 passengers, chances are that someone has a contagion in a closed ventilation system.  Few things are worse than getting sick with the flu upon arriving at your destination.

The Meyers cocktail is a collection of water soluble vitamins and minerals mixed with a carrier fluid.

It takes about 30 minutes to administer while the recipient relaxes in a comfortable chair with reading material.

At Opti-Balance, most people enjoy a nice cup of tea while they have the Myers drip slowly into their circulatory system.

It is a nice way to give back to yourself so you can keep on giving good energy out.


Tara Macart is a regular columnist with The News.



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