Report butts

I was stopped at a red light and noticed a woman in the car in front of me flicking her cigarette ashes out her window.

I was stopped at a red light as I was leaving Nanaimo and noticed a woman in the car in front of me flicking her cigarette ashes out her window. As soon as we started again she casually dropped her lit cigarette on the ground. I took down her licence plate number and once I got home called the police. The RCMP wanted a lot of personal info about me that I was not prepared to give.

I did give the receptionist the license plate number and description of the car and the woman driving the car, but if anything was done by the RCMP it is not clear.

If we all report these morons who drop lit cigarettes out their car windows maybe we can get the RCMP to get into action and help control these wildfires. Does anyone know if the RCMP are acting on the reports and fining these inconsiderate smokers?

Robert LaframboiseParksville

Parksville Qualicum Beach News