Represent the electors

Getting voted into office doesn't give carte blanche to do whatever you want

As a resident and taxpayer of Qualicum Beach, I find it very difficult to understand how three council members, who were duly elected to represent the views of the residents, can arbitrarily decide what is in the best interests of all.

The vast majority of residents have expressed a valid concern re: the proposed, five-storey building, and the waiving of the development costs involved, so, surely, in any democratic community, there should at least be a referendum so the taxpayers the council is elected to represent can express their opinion.

The proposed new building will not be bringing in the new families that we so badly need, but will be catering to older people coming to experience the joys of living here on the Island.

We are indeed fortunate to live in such a beautiful place and, although progress is necessary, the decision regarding such a major change at this particular venue should be made by the residents and taxpayers.

Jean Forbes


Qualicum Beach



Parksville Qualicum Beach News