Rescue efforts appreciated

Local woman greatly appreciates assistance from fellow hikers, volunteers & medical personnel.

As the local woman helped by Rossland and area Search and Rescue (Rossland News, Aug. 2, 2012) I would like to express my appreciation to  the many people who assisted me after I broke my ankle on Record Ridge on July 25.

Thank you to the ladies who hiked out to find cell phone service, to the capable ladies who splinted my leg and kept me warm and sheltered, to the ladies who kept me company and picked off the ants.

A very special thank you to the volunteers of the Rossland and South Columbia Search and Rescue who were so encouraging and competent in loading me into the Stokes litter and getting me down to the trailhead.

Thank you to the ambulance attendant and driver for delivering me so carefully to the Trail Regional Hospital. Thank you to all of the ER and hospital personel who made my stay easier.

A very special thank you to the volunteers of the Red Cross Medical Equipment Loan Service.

I would like to thank all of my friends and family for their support.

I truly appreciate the volunteers and professionals who deal with emergency situations with such skill.

Mary Treloar


Trail Daily Times