Research says cell towers are worth worrying about

Research says cell towers are worth worrying about

Doctors who step up to raise the alarm should be applauded


Dr. Faulkner should be applauded for presenting this information to Duncan’s Council and thank you, [reporter] Robert Barron, for allowing the public to read about it.

There are more than 23,000 studies that show harm from prolonged exposure to even very low doses. Early studies were done in the 1940s and 1950s, “studying radiation sickness”. The US Air Force continued with studies in the 1960s and 70s which were declassified not long ago. One of the scientists who worked on these studies is retired Dr. Zory Glaser and he donated them to Dr. Magda Havas. There are more than 2000 on her website under “Zory’s Archives.”

Many independent scientists from around the world warn wireless radiation is the next tobacco. Sadly the Canadian and BC Cancer Societies are not providing the current scientific evidence on their sites. Misinformation is worse than none at all when people are concerned about their health.

Health Canada’s Safety Code 6 is one of the weakest (least protective) guidelines in the world, being many times higher than some countries. Even Russia’s and China’s guidelines are fractions of Canada’s. Experts have described it as obsolete because it does not apply to the type of radiation emitted by cell towers or wireless devices. Even Dr. James McNamee, one of the lead researchers at HC, acknowledged this when under oath.

Petitions signed by hundreds of well-respected researchers have been sent to the Unitied Nations out of concern for children who are so very vulnerable due to their small size and growing bodies.

There are many people in British Columbia who are working to make homes, schools, and workplaces safer by reducing the level of microwave radiation to which they are exposed many hours each day without knowing the consequences.

Sharon Noble

Victoria BC

Cowichan Valley Citizen