Resident disputes irrigation district information

My response to the Keremeos Irrigation District information letter in the July 24/2014 Keremeos Review:

To the editor:

My response to the Keremeos Irrigation District information letter in the July 24/2014 Keremeos Review:

Water consumption  has increased in the Village. Do you think it might have to do with more subdivisions, more people, summer time usage, irrigation, people visiting or just passing through, etc?

You said that KID appreciates the ratepayers co-operation in water conservation, yet more homes get built, more building permits are issued, more area is developed. More money made by certain people, but the public is asked to conserve.

Nice to hear the reservoir is coming on line. An  Alternate Approval Process and a referendum were held, that cost us big dollars, concerning the reservoir. The KID ignored  public opinion concerning the reservoir, along with village officials.

I can forgive what’s been done in this village, but I won’t forget the democratic process I feel the KID destroyed in this village, along with the mayor, village council, and the CAO, in the process. But that’s okay, the reservoir is built now. Cure all to end all, right?

The KID statement  concerning the fire at the Red Bridge Pub is misleading, in my view. Keremeos has been without a reservoir for how long now? With three structure fires in the downtown area recently, water was not an issue. The KID spokesperson stated that the Red Bridge Pub fire happened at a low usage time of the day. That’s misleading, in my opinion.

According to statistics, the heavy use times for water consumption are between 6-10 a.m. (people waking up and getting ready for the day, showers, breakfast, irrigating etc.), and in the evening between 6-10 p.m., for much the same reasons.

Now about a pump failure while fighting a fire. An  act of God or mechanical problems, not much you can do about that, things happen.  What about no electrical power to the pumps and no back up power, that would not be an act of God, that would be lack of planning. Naramata has realized that  this can be a very real possibility (no power). Naramata is now in the process of putting generators in place at their pump stations.

I appreciate the KID statement about enjoying the rest of my summer. Thank you!  I know you’re only kidding, right? After all, the KID has already demonstrated to me, what they think of my concerns, opinion or vote.

Bob Hoisington, Keremeos


Keremeos Review