Resident gives Comox council a failing grade

I was going to grade each councillor separately but what’s the point, you’re all in this together.

Dear editor,

Summer holidays and students have received their report cards for the year. We are halfway through the Town of Comox council’s four-year term so perhaps it’s time you received your report card. Sadly, it’s not looking very good.

Listening skills: F – it is clear this council is not the least bit interested in what the residents of Comox want for their community. There are certainly many examples of this but the one that is the most obvious is the Lorne Hotel. The majority of the residents did not and do not want the proposed project. Was council listening? No.

Planning skills: F – here we are two years into this council’s four-year mandate and what have they done to enhance the community and revitalize the downtown area? Nothing! And how about that great Harbour Centre building at the foot of Church Street. Six of the eight spaces are empty. Excellent work.

Preservation of town’s heritage: F – two words – Baybrook, Shakesides. This council is singlehandedly destroying any semblance of the history of this town.

Environmental stewardship: F – destruction of the Garry Oak on the Berwick site despite presentations by groups requesting this tree be spared. (lack of listening skills.) The Point Holmes Shoreline Project – what a disaster!

Fiscal Responsibility: F – Allowing Lorne Hotel condo buyers eight years of not paying the Town of Comox portion of their taxes is irresponsible, unnecessary and unfair to the rest of the taxpayers. Why should we be helping to finance a private business? We shouldn’t!

I was going to grade each councillor separately but what’s the point, you’re all in this together. Besides, I’m pretty sure you’re still not listening.

Normally, with these kind of marks, you would be required to repeat the grade but this town can’t afford to have this group repeat so hopefully you don’t do too much more damage in the next two years and we can be done with you.

Barb Tribe, Comox

Comox Valley Record