Residents demand proper hearing

Councillors in North Saanich are elected to represent the residents, not work against them.

Councillors in North Saanich are elected to represent the residents, not work against them. However, the majority of the council does not listen. To ask for a proper process is not stalling the process as Councillor Daly has stated. This is responsible stewardship. It can’t be tolerated to make a decision first.

Residents, demand a proper hearing before any final decision is being made. The Official Community Plan is a carefully crafted document and should be honoured and not, as Councillor Mearns told us, “the OCP does not have any meaning, we are changing it all the time.”

This clearly is a betrayal. A significant increase in density in North Saanich does not benefit the community but goes against the wish of the majority of the residents.

Hildegard Horie,

North Saanich




Peninsula News Review