Residents have the final word

OCP public hearing at Monterey Centre on September 9

The official community plan public hearing is just around the corner.

If you haven’t given much thought to the community around you, now is a good time to start.

Oak Bay is a remarkable municipality, with a mix of housing, recreational opportunities, parks, beaches, educational institutions, businesses and more.

It’s a vibrant place with an active, involved community. With the renewal of the community plan comes the opportunity for residents to take a peek into the potential future of Oak Bay.

Whether your interest lies in maintaining the status quo or taking a completely different direction, the community plan is the pathway to achieving an inclusive, eco-friendly, desirable place to live.

The public hearing is the final stage for the public to bring any concerns or questions about the plan to council. If you have a disagreement with something included in the plan, or feel something has not been given enough emphasis, the public hearing is the time to make your voice heard.

Even if you only want to tell council that you think the proposed plan looks just the way you imagined it should – council wants to hear it. Your elected representatives want to know Oak Bay residents feel their voices were heard during the many public participation opportunities provided over the course of the last year.

You don’t have to attend the public hearing on Sept. 9 to have your say. Oak Bay residents are welcome to write to mayor and council c/o Oak Bay Municipal Hall, 2167 Oak Bay Ave. V8R 1G2, or email the mayor at

Remember, it’s your community, your opinion counts.



Oak Bay News