Residents hung out to dry by local and provincial politicians

Innocent residents of Langley punished by cannons blasting, in the mindless pursuit of the almighty dollar by the very few.

Editor: Thank you for publishing the  opinion piece from the Abbotsford News (Aug. 7) on propane cannons.

The use of a cannon on property adjoining mine this summer has caused a dangerous stampede of my horses and constant startling, early morning wakening, tension and worry for me. This occurs despite the owner complying with the relevant Township bylaw.

That a small numbers of cannon owners should be able to inflict such truly noxious penalties on their neighbours is inexcusable, yet they have the blessing of a municipal bylaw passed at the behest of the ministry of agriculture.

Our mayor and council purportedly represent the residents of Langley and had an excellent opportunity to do so after a very large turnout at a public meeting, which heard many speakers condemn the use of cannons, to virtually 100 per cent support.

But council didn’t take the opportunity. Members chickened out and turned the matter over to a special committee which was totally dominated by ministry of agriculture personnel. The council didn’t unite with other municipalities, it didn’t speak forcefully in Victoria, it just obediently got into bed with the well-lobbied provincial advisors and politicians.

The mayor and council should give a clear explanation of why they think innocent hapless residents of Langley should be punished week after summer week by cannons blasting, in the mindless pursuit of the almighty dollar by the very few.

Margaret Ormston,


Langley Times