Residents of Central Saanich like this community

Woodwynn Farms' director's guest comment doesn't sit well with some

I find it extremely frustrating to hear Kathleen Busch, director of community development at Woodwynn Farms, talking down about Central Saanich and the people who choose to live here because of the official community plan and the Agricultural Land Reserve. I’m tired of hearing those involved with Woodwynn Farms who live outside of our community criticize the regulations and bylaws that have kept the Peninsula one of the best places to live.

I’m a mother of young children and know many young families just starting out who own property in the area. Both my husband and I are working professionals and we found Central Saanich one of the most affordable places to live. We also love how our children can grow up around livestock and see where our food comes from. We especially like being able to walk down the road to buy eggs from those “honesty stands” on large acreages.

Critiquing those who have done well for doing something that is mutually beneficial for them and the community is absurd. I’m sure Kathleen doesn’t enjoy paying taxes herself. Central Saanich denies development plans that are not supportive of the ALR and OCP and I’m happy they do. Wanting to build worker housing is one thing – if it’s done within reason. Wanting to build a movie theatre, grocery store and whatever other plans Woodwynn is trying to pass off as farming is disrespectful to all citizens of Central Saanich who choose to live here for the lifestyle it provides.

Woodwynn executives knew the bylaws before coming into this community. If they want to move forward with reasonable farming development I suggest they work with the tax paying residents in this community instead of insulting them.

Linda Biggs

Central Saanich


It is interesting to note in the comment, or rant, from Kathleen Busch of Woodwynn Farms, she chooses to overlook the agricultural work of Dan’s Farm, Oldfield Orchard and Skylark Farm on Oldfield Road, Gobind Farms and the Jack Mar farm on Veyaness Road (with other fields) in her listing of those helping to serve and supply in the Land of Plenty.

Harold McCarthy


Peninsula News Review