Resolution time

Alright folks, it has gone from the greatest time of the year, to the worst. It’s resolution time.

Alright folks, it has gone from the greatest time of the year, to the worst. It’s resolution time.

The Golden Star office has been packed with all sorts of goodies the last few weeks. So a natural resolution for us is to cut back on the unhealthy indulgences.

But that is a group resolution. So I decided to ask the office what their individual resolutions are for the year.

(Now that they’re official, if you see them around town breaking their resolutions, feel free to scold them).

Michele: N/A. Michele has decided that she does not believe in resolutions, as they add unnecessary pressure to her life. Of course, this is coming from the same woman who started an impromptu office running club last year, and made us run with her three times a week before we were allowed to go home.

Adam: The newest member of the Golden Star team has resolved to find out what the fox says. I can’t decide if that makes him the most, or the lease ambitious person in the office.

Ali: As one of the more food-obsessed employees at The Golden Star, Ali has decided she is going to try have more home cooked meals this year, therefore less eating out. Considering the large stack of Bacchus dishes we have to return every month, that might not be a bad idea.

Joel: For his first winter in B.C., Joel will be working towards improving his snowboarding skills. His goal is to be able to comfortably navigate any of the black diamonds at Kicking Horse Mountain Resort before the end of the season. And whether he likes it or not, he will be partaking in our office, eat healthier resolution, as he’s been told he is no longer allowed to bring junk food into the office.

As for myself, I’m struggling to decide what I should be working on this year. Every year I get motivated to get more active, and after having a conversation with the Town’s recreation co-ordinator, Kim Bryan, this past week, I’m especially eager to start feeling better and getting healthier.

But this year I thought it would be nice to dig a little deeper, and focus on self-improvement beyond the physical.

There was a woman in the office today who said her resolution last year cut back on her negative talk – the old, ‘if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.’ She followed it as well as she could, and had a wonderful year.

So my resolution this year will be to cut out the negativity, but more specifically, the work-related negativity. I have a terrible habit of complaining about work too much, and letting work-place stresses invade the rest of my life.

That needs to stop. From now on, or for as long as I can keep it up, I will not let stress keep me down. In other words, I resolve to be more positive, and just happier.

Whatever your resolution is, I wish all of you a happy and healthy new year.


Golden Star