Resolve the race track issue

Resident calls on the city and the Okanagan Equestrian Society to reach an agreement

I share Mike Macnabb’s concern about the low voter turnout for the arena referendum but I think there is a valid reason for it.

Many people, including myself, find it hard to understand why we should support big-ticket items such as the athletics park and the new arena when city politicians tells us repeatedly that they cannot settle the race track issue. Others more knowledgeable than myself can say exactly how long this situation has gone on but surely it has reached a tipping point.

The race track is not being used, the grandstands are gone, and the best location for recreational facilities in the city can’t be accessed because of a legal stalemate.

People do not want to hear any of this any longer. The situation is ridiculous and the onus is on the city to reach an out of court settlement with the Okanagan Equestrian Society.

The society has no money. The city has money and hopefully a willingness to reach a fair agreement.

I’m pretty sure that, once a settlement has been reached, Vernon voters will have a lot more confidence in their elected politicians. They might even see them as problem-solvers, which would a good change for all of us.

Ernie Armstrong


Vernon Morning Star