Respect for Premier Clark

Dear editor,

Premier Christy Clark has just revealed a very personal story about her experiences with sexual violence, and she shared how those experiences impacted her decision to support Andrew Weaver and the B.C. Green Party’s bill to bring proper legislation to our campuses here in B.C.

While she doesn’t have my vote, Christy Clark certainly has my compassion and admiration in this issue. I am certain that it was very difficult for a woman who is so proud of her independence and strength to tell this story publicly, and for that she shows bravery. She’s always been a brave woman and never shied away from speaking her mind. Though I don’t agree with many decisions she stands behind, for what it’s worth, I stand behind her here.

Today we must remember that violence against women is a men’s issue. So I ask my fellow men to please not use this moment of vulnerability for hatred. That is what creates this problem to begin with. Instead, let us all recognize that a woman whom we may or may not agree with on many issues stood up for what was right above political aspirations and was able to unmask memories from her past at the same time.

In this, she is stronger. In extending compassion instead of hatred to her in this moment, we are all stronger.

Thank you for sharing your difficult experiences with us, Premier Clark.



Justin D. Whitehead





Comox Valley Record