Respect the public process

The Peninsula News Review has recognized two very different approaches being taken by local municipal councils to manage development.

The Peninsula News Review has recognized two very different approaches being taken by local municipal councils to manage development.

In the July 27th editorial regarding development in Central Saanich, the News Review comments: “Luckily, Central Saanich is postponing any further movement on the issue of densification until adequate feedback is received.”

In contrast, a recent December 24th editorial describes the situation in North Saanich as “Fast-tracking the East Saanich Road project — in lock-step with the consultation process — is so far failing. It’s led to council acrimony and mediation, to dug-in positions from council and residents who seem to take contrary positions no matter what the debate is about.”

How can a North Saanich council with dug-in positions be open to the feedback arising from a consultation process, particularly when development decisions are being made before the feedback has been received? A North Saanich council that asks for feedback but makes decisions before the feedback is received sends a clear message that it respects neither the process, nor those who participate in it.

Let’s hope there is a change so those who participate have a genuine opportunity to shape the outcome.

Peter Chandler

North Saanich



Peninsula News Review