Firefighters didn't waste any time responding, and staying ontop of, a grass fire that was blown out of control near The Rise last week.

Firefighters didn't waste any time responding, and staying ontop of, a grass fire that was blown out of control near The Rise last week.

Response was great

Developers of The Rise thank dedicated men and women of fire and forestry protection for quick response to fire

To all of the dedicated men and women of the fire and forestry protection units that responded to the grassland fire Aug. 14:

The developers of The Rise are extremely grateful for your quick actions and hard work in fighting this fire that had the potential to be something far worse with tragic consequences. Your dedication to your chosen field is admirable and truly appreciated.

We thank you for your diligence in protecting the homes of our residents while accepting the risk to your self and those of your crewmembers. It is difficult for those of us who observe to really appreciate the scope of difficulty you must endure to provide us with our sense of security, even if it is tenuous at best.

Please know that your dedication has not gone unnoticed and while words seem so inadequate, we want you to know that you are appreciated and that we thank you wholeheartedly for your efforts on our behalf.

Leona Snider,

The Rise Signature Resort Community



Vernon Morning Star