Restricting deer is not the answer

I am standing firm in my conviction and drawing my line in the sand again.

Re: Fence the deer in not out (letters Nov. 14)

I am standing firm in my conviction and drawing my line in the sand again.

I am being an unapologetic advocate for those who cannot speak for themselves and pardon me if you don’t like it, deer.

We are living in the deers’ garden and perhaps they consider us pests. Too bad if you do not like that they too, need to eat and crap. They did not make themselves that way, they did not choose to be deer any more than we chose to be human or fluffy the cat chose to be fluffy the cat.

As to the previous letter-writer’s suggestion to fence in all the deer on someone’s farm restricting their movement it sounds to me like a concentration camp/internment camp for the non-existent crime of being a deer. If it is wrong to keep people segregated from society for no other reason than they are Jewish or Japanese or keep First Nations on a reserve, what makes it right to do this to deer by fencing them in?

Even if you do find a farmer to agree to have a fence built high enough to keep them in and be warden of this deer concentration camp, how does the writer propose getting all the deer to the farm? Load them onto a livestock truck or horse trailer? Good luck getting any cooperation from the deer.

Andre Mollon



Oak Bay News