Restructuring comes with good and bad

It is never an easy job when employers have to tell employees they no longer have a job.

It is never an easy job when employers have to tell employees they no longer have a job.

There have been thousands of jobs lost in our country in the last 10 days, many of them related to restructuring because of the economy. Gibraltar Mine is an example as they also dropped jobs.

Here in Williams Lake, city council eliminated eight positions because they are attempting to achieve a zero per cent tax increase. It is too bad employees had to go and it certainly will affect them.

I believe council has to manage what is best, in their opinion, and cutting jobs will save the community $4 million dollars over the next five years.

Often when new mayors and councillors are elected they do the tough stuff first because in a couple of years a lot of people will forget about it anyhow. Provincial and Federal governments do the same.

In Williams Lake there are no further recommendations for restructuring, says mayor Cobb, and as he has stated for some time council will be re-instating the city’s Economic Development Corporation.  Good move council, get people on the board, then rock n’ roll.

Apparently one councillor voted against the economic move. Don’t know who cast the negative vote, but I think I know.

It sure is nice to see volunteerism working so well by so many in Williams Lake and area.   One of the younger members of Walt Cobb’s campaign for mayor has put together a real nice weekend for good ole Willy’s Puddle.  Darrick Boyes and many other volunteers are holding the First Annual Winter Carnival Jan. 31 and Feb 1, and it looks like there are great events for everyone of all ages. Of course there will be food booths and a chilli cook-off, that could help things warm up a bit. The organizing group of volunteers has been helped by Cariboo GM, many other businesses and the BCGEU, as they have sponsored different events.

Take some time Saturday or Sunday to take in the 1st annual Williams Lake Winter Carnival.

Ken Wilson is a freelance columnist with the Tribune/Weekend Advisor.


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