There is a proposal to make a mountain out of a mole hill. Again.
Just like the Alex Fraser Bridge, Port Metro Vancouver is recommending an air draft around 60 to 65 metres for the new Massey Bridge to allow huge LNG tankers to visit a proposed LNG terminal on the Fraser River.
How convenient for the LNG industry – but extremely inconvenient and costly, not just for the rest of us, but to the environment as well.
It isn’t rocket science to realize carbon emissions/pollution from traffic increase dramatically when having to climb a steeper grade.
Will the public have to suffer another steep bridge like the Alex Fraser nightmare riddled with stalls and accidents (among the Lower Mainland’s top 10 worst crash sites in 2013)?
The Alex Fraser has an air draft of 57 metres. Why so high when, so far this year, the tallest ship to pass under it was only 35 metres?
If we have to build the Massey bridge, then please, let’s make it a mole hill and let it inconvenience industry.
Jason Lewko