Return of the bird feeder

Lorraine Doiron catches readers up to what's happening in View from the Porch.

Happy Birthday to Betty Gelean. Time to celebrate!

A few weeks ago I told you about the squirrel who made off with my bird feeder. The other day the bird feeder was returned, placed nicely on top of my gate. We all had a good laugh with the thought that the squirrel was returning it for a refill, that he had even more amazing strength to carry it up to the top of the gate, placing it there. I found out it was my neighbour who returned it. They have been feeding the squirrel; it is now in competition with two Stellars Jay who are raiding the squirrel’s dish.

Recent visits from an enormous mother moose with her twins. One of the twins has a broken front leg, hobbling on three spindly legs, so sad. The mother moose seems to love my kale and swiss chard, decimating what is left. The twins wait on the other side of the fence. Little Rosie the pug took on the moose in the yard, barking in her face while I stood on the porch frantic that the moose would stomp her. Instead they looked at her curiously, turned, ambled away. There has also been a visit from a female bear with twin cubs. Wildlife, we now check the yard before going out!.

2013 will be Smithers’ 100th year, a celebration is being planned. You are invited to join in the fun – remember Hockeyville? Well this can be bigger. We are at the beginning so it is wide open! Contact Gladys Atrill for upcoming meeting dates. 847-4343.

I was shocked and saddened to read about the passing of Valerie Bikus. She impressed a lot of people with her positive attitude, she always had a hello.

A friend is looking to purchase a set of hand carders for carding wool. Call me if you have a set, I will help you connect with her. My number is 250-847-4797

Always wanted to be a HAM radio operator. Several years ago when you could still post things on the Post Office wall there was a man who offered a workshop. I do not have his name anymore; wonder if he is still around, willing to do a bit of teaching. Call me at 250-847-4797 if you are.

Aluminum, the most abundant metal in the earth’s crust, discovered less than 200 years ago, occurs in most kinds of rock; most taken from bauxite. One of the lightest metals, a good conductor of heat and electricity, does not rust, easy to melt and reuse, can be recycled for less than five per cent of the cost of making new aluminum. Aluminum can recycling provides over half the aluminum used in making new cans, recycling of all aluminum scrap equals almost half of total aluminum production.

Lorraine Doiron writes The View from the Porch.

Smithers Interior News