Revelstoke vacation rental plan lacks process

What happened to the re-zoning process? My next-door neighbour will be able to apply but I, because I live on a different street, cannot?


Re: City of Revelstoke unveils ‘tourist home’ plan permitting vacation rentals, News, April 17

I see in the April 17 Times Review, that our city planner has come up with yet another astounding scheme.  While there may be some justification for vacation home rentals, the plan itself is offensive.

Only properties along designated streets seem to be approved. What happened to the re-zoning process? My next-door neighbour will be able to apply but I, simply because I live on a different street, cannot. Is that fair? Owners of the designated properties will not need neighbourhood approval. Adjacent property owners can only lodge a complaint if the rental property is violating the regulations and creating a disturbance. Sure, we know how that works!

Rob Buchanan sure got it right in his April 24 cartoon!

Bill Shuttleworth,



Revelstoke Times Review