To the Editor,
What the people seeking to rescind the HST seem to miss is the fact that the government needs more money to supply all the services we demand as our rights. If the HST is reversed they (meaning we taxpayers) will also have to return $1.6 billion to the federal government.
Be careful what you wish for should be the warning going out.
There is nothing in place to prevent the provincial government from extending the application of PST to those goods and services which were previously exempted.
To raise the cash quickly, an increase in income tax could also be required.
Would this be political suicide? Possibly, but from past experience a newly elected government usually throws up its hands and says, “We didn’t have any idea how bad the finances really were. We cannot possibly put taxes back to where they were prior to July 2010.”
We have seen this scenario play out at federal, provincial and municipal levels repeatedly.
We must move forward as a province. Giving new businesses a reason to come to B.C. is one way to do it and leaving the HST is a step in the right direction.
Originally I was as opposed to the HST as anyone, but have come to see the benefits and will definitely be voting in favour of keeping the HST as it now stands and that means voting “no”.
Alexa Stochmal