Richter using boy to promote her political career

It’s not about the little boy at all — it’s all about promoting herself and her propaganda, using little Cole as her pawn. This is political poison at its worst.

Editor: I was appalled when I read the letter (The Times, Sept. 20) by Councillor Kim Richter. What a disgusting display of using a small child to further her own political career.

It’s not about the little boy at all — it’s all about promoting herself and her propaganda, using little Cole as her pawn. This is political poison at its worst.

She should offer her most sincere apologies to little Cole and his family for using them for her grandstanding. I’m sorry if they are feeling hurt, but the blame lies entirely at her feet, because there wasn’t an opportunity for the citizens of Langley Township to be involved in the process of naming this bridge in a democratic manner.

Langley citizens should be free to express their concerns without being labelled “bitter.”

Then to take the heat off of her own despicable behavior, she starts to slander other Langley citizens by making up stories about them in her letter. Councillor Richter needs to stop her bullying tactics. She is not pulling the wool over anyone’s eyes — you can fool some of the people part of the time, but not all of the people all of the time.

E. McBain,


Langley Times